Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing
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Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing

I am proud to say that I have all my own teeth at the age of 65. While that may not sound unusual to some people, everyone in my family who is my age or older wears dentures. I always tell people that that flossing is the key to good dental health. I have arthritis in my hands, but I don't let it keep me from flossing every day. My trick is to use those little "flossers" you can buy at the drug store. They have plastic handles floss stretched out on top of the handle. These make flossing easier on days when my arthritis is acting up. I started this blog to let other people know that they can keep their teeth healthy into old age when they take care of them. If you have hand pain, find ways to make flossing easier, like I did.

Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing

Justifications For Getting A Dental Implant

Francis Miles

Dental implants are a creative way to make up for damaged teeth by blending titanium replacements with your bones. These implants are small and can easily fit into the bone below your gum to act as the roots to your teeth. Dentists apply implants to rectify any form of tooth loss and ensure you have excellent dental health. One significant upside of this technique is that it mimics natural dental features. This article provides a few justifications for getting dental implants.

Preventing Bone Loss

Dental implants are essential in preventing bone loss. For example, implants that support dentures restore the purpose of the bones. Dentists then attach the replacement teeth to the dental implants and complete the restoration process. These implants changed the process of inserting traditional dentures, which rested on the gum and could not prevent bone loss. Patients experiencing bone loss require bone grafting procedures before placing the implants. Bone loss also leads to other adverse effects on your face. Dental implants support your facial structure and restore jawbones to ensure your facial appearance does not change. Using implants to insert dentures is an invasive process, and patients must be in excellent health for the minor surgery. 

Matching Natural Teeth

Dental implants vary in size and shape. The dentist must work with you to design the implants that match the color of the nearby teeth. Dental implants also fit perfectly into the gaps. If the implants blend seamlessly into your mouth, no one except you and the dentist know you have dental implants. Dentists can mould a custom abutment when it is in your mouth to ensure that it is comfortable and aesthetically appealing. The addition of dental implants resembling your natural teeth also prevents any changes in your facial appearance. 

Restoring Bite Force

The bite force is a measure of your jaw muscle activity and function. Dentists use this measure as a way of evaluating the performance of your dentures. Any modifications to your masticatory system should restore your bite force to decent levels. Dental implants are an established way of achieving high bite force levels. The dentist attaches your dental crowns, dentures, and bridges to the implants, which do not just hold them in place. Instead, the dental implants provide a foundation that favors the application of enough force for a bite. Therefore, implants ensure your dentures can provide enough force to bite and chew tougher foods, such as crisp apples, steak, and chicken. Consequently, you can enjoy a nice meal despite losing your natural teeth. 

Permanent Solution

Dental implants are a permanent solution to most oral health issues. For example, teeth loss can impede your voice, but the use of dental implants helps you restore your natural speech. You can pronounce words correctly, and no one will know you experienced dental health problems before. In addition, dental implants are a permanent solution to teeth cavities. Artificial teeth are not susceptible to bacterial attacks, and the synthetic material cannot decay. By getting implants, you can eliminate any possibility of developing cavities for the rest of your life. You do not require special cleaning or flossing equipment to care for dental implants. Dental implants require flossing and brushing, just like natural teeth. 

Dental implants are essential in preventing bone loss, obtaining matching teeth, restoring your bite force, and are a permanent solution to a wide range of dental health issues. Keep these tips in mind when looking for dental implant services near you.
