Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing
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Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing

I am proud to say that I have all my own teeth at the age of 65. While that may not sound unusual to some people, everyone in my family who is my age or older wears dentures. I always tell people that that flossing is the key to good dental health. I have arthritis in my hands, but I don't let it keep me from flossing every day. My trick is to use those little "flossers" you can buy at the drug store. They have plastic handles floss stretched out on top of the handle. These make flossing easier on days when my arthritis is acting up. I started this blog to let other people know that they can keep their teeth healthy into old age when they take care of them. If you have hand pain, find ways to make flossing easier, like I did.

Don't Let Hand Pain Keep You from Flossing

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    Many people choose to have dental veneers placed on their teeth to help with aesthetic problems, and the tooth caps can really enhance dental appearance. However, some individuals are concerned that the tooth coverings will look unnatural. While this is true, this is rarely a problem with the veneers. An unnatural appearance is typically caused by the look of the other natural teeth in your mouth. If you want to retain a natural appearance, then keep reading to learn about some tips to do so.

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